Friday, 28 November 2014

Bridal design

Wonderful designs liked by bride.
Suitable for wedding occasions.

Henna stains are orange when the paste is
first removed, but darkens over the following
three days to a deep reddish brown. Soles and
palms have the thickest layer of skin and so
take up the most lawsone, and take it to the
greatest depth, so that hands and feet will
have the darkest and most long-lasting stains.
Some also believe that steaming or warming
the henna pattern will darken the stain, either
during the time the paste is still on the skin, or
after the paste has been removed. It is
debatable whether this adds to the color of the
end result as well. Chlorinated water and
soaps may spoil the darkening process;
alkaline products may hasten the darkening
process. After the stain reaches its peak color,
it holds for a few days, then gradually wears
off by way of exfoliation.

Sunday, 19 October 2014

attractive design

Lawsone , an active compound in
Whole, unbroken henna leaves will not stain
the skin. Henna will not stain skin until the
lawsone molecules are made available
(released) from the henna leaf. Dried henna
leaves will stain the skin if they are mashed
into a paste. The lawsone will gradually
migrate from the henna paste into the outer
layer of the skin and bind to the proteins in it,
creating a fast stain.

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Awesome design

Since it is difficult to form intricate patterns
from coarse crushed leaves, henna is
commonly traded as a powder made by drying,
milling and sifting the leaves. The dry powder
is mixed with one of a number of liquids,
including water, lemon juice, or strong tea, and
other ingredients, depending on the tradition.
Many artists use sugar or molasses in the
paste to improve consistency and keep it stuck
to the skin better.

 The henna mix must rest for
1 to 48 hours before use, to release the
lawsone from the leaf matter. The timing
depends on the crop of henna being used.

Essential oils with high levels of monoterpene
alcohols, such as tea tree , cajeput, or lavender,
will improve skin stain characteristics. 

essential oils, such as eucalyptus and clove,
are also useful but are too irritating and
should not be used on skin.